
Our Vision

We are determined to spread and strengthen a network of students across Europe and develop an international collaborative environment, where the expansion of academic knowledge and development of soft skills is encouraged.

What is EESTEC?

The Electrical Engineering STudents’ European assoCiation is a Europe-wide student association represented in around 45 cities. Despite the name, EESTEC is also open to non-electrical engineering students.

EESTEC is apolitical, non-governmental and non-profit and creates opportunities for students from technical universities, and schools in Europe to reach their full potential in their academic, professional and social life.

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Next Events


Thursday 07.11.

18:30 – 20:00
MM 04
HG F 33.5

Friday 15.11.Sunday 17.11.

Bestes Deutsches Schweizerisches Motivations-Wochenende
Külsheim (LC Aachen, LC Munich, LC Zurich)

Thursday 21.11.

18:30 – 20:00
MM 05
HG F 33.5

Thursday 05.12.

18:30 – 20:00
MM 06
HG F 33.5

Wednesday 18.12.

18:30 – 20:00
MM 07
HG F 33.5


Sunday 10.11.Friday 15.11.


Friday 22.11.Sunday 24.11.

Lake Como (LC Milan)

Friday 06.12.Sunday 08.12.


Monday 09.12.Friday 13.12.

Autumn Congress

Friday 13.12.Sunday 15.12.

Afterparty: Closing Of Congress Kegger

Recent Posts

    From never having been to Türkye to loving LC Istanbul’s people in 6 short days.
  • Semester Report 2024 Spring
    Organised events, events visited abroad, EESTEC LC Zurich going international, and plans for the next semester.
  • Handover Board Meeting (HoBoM)
    The newly elected Treasurer-Elect travels to Porto to receive precious knowledge and duties from the Board-in-Office. The whole Board-Elect meets in person for the first time after countless online meetings.
  • Spring Congress Ljubljana
    Ever attended AMIV or VS Generalversammlung and thought to yourself: “Why not make this whole process last like 4 days?” No? Well, EESTEC thinks otherwise. At the yearly Spring Congress, blablabla
  • Students Mastering Audio Skills Happily
    “Students Mastering Audio Skills Happily” electrified participants with deep dives into audio theory, circuit simulation, PCB design, and soldering mastery. ⚡ Beyond electronics, the workshop ignited cultural connections, fostering camaraderie and lasting bonds across Europe. 🌍🔊