T4T – Training for Trainers is an international training event whose purpose is gaining new EESTEC trainers and it is the starting point for EESTECers to become a trainer.
EESTECers who participate in T4T will go through intensive training, working sessions and practical parts and learn how to transfer knowledge, which methodologies to use and, very importantly, how to deliver training sessions!
As the transfer of knowledge is crucial for EESTEC, T4T is an event that assures new generations to continue developing and providing Training Team services to EESTEC members. It is a stage through which all TrT members have to go in order to gain different soft skills like leadership skills, presentation skills, communication skills and much more!
Using these skills for transferring knowledge in EESTEC provides greater quality of different activities which are organized on International and local levels.
7th Training for Trainers