Hello fellow EESTECer!
During Winter Board Meeting, the five members of the Board of the international level of EESTEC gather in one place to push EESTEC forward. We plan and aprtially implement the next big steps of our mandate and take strategic decisions. As such, the event is four days densly packed with working sessions and high stakes discussions.
On WIBOM 2025, we talked about EESTEC’s Operational Events, how we should select and plan them before the event, and also how to document them after the event. We finalized a proposal to adapt the Board’s timeline over the Summer months, i.e. just after the (next) Board will have been elected. We talked about the structures of our international Teams and how to improve them. There were more topics, and of course for each topic there was also a result. If you are interested in the details, please contact our LC’s Contact Person at zurich-cp@eestec.net to share the session report with you.
During the evenings, we were spoiled by EESTEC LC Xanthi’s hospitality. It is always amazing to experience this in a different country, in a different culture. The final night was even a special Greek night where we got to try Retsina, which is a Greek type of wine with a pine resin flavor. I loved it, but opinions do differ, which is why the joke name for it in Greece is “bad wine”. Outside of Greek night, we got food that is typical for Greece in one way or another for almost every meal, meaning we got to taste a wide variety. There was also the traditional EESTEC city rally, where we got to collect points by collecting bottle caps, building human pyramids, and proposing to strangers (unfortunately she said no).
At the end of the event, I didn’t go home yet. One of the perks of being an EESTECer is having friends who are happy to host you in almost every part of Europe. So after a quick phone call, I secured a spot on a couch in Xanthi to stay for the weekend: The weekend of Greek Carnival. Similar to the Swiss Fasnacht, people dress up, walk through the streets, and dance and have fun all night long.
If you want to know more about the people on the international Board and what they do, or you are wondering about becoming a boardie yourself, don’t hesitate to contact me at michael.heider@eestec.net.
And until then, go apply to some EESTEC events and show up on our member meetings!