We started the event by programming Arduinos to read out sensors for humidity and temperature. Afterward, we put one of those Arduinos in a box together with other sensors as a payload for the balloon. We launched the weather balloon with the box attached on Wednesday with the support of the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science at ETH. We were able to remotely track the balloon until shortly before it landed, afterwards we lost the signal due to the mountains. We tried to recover it, but it landed in the Austrian mountains and due to the snow, we were not able to do so. While the organizers were on the rescue mission, our participants had the chance to visit Zürich during the city rally, which was fun despite the cold temperatures. In the end, we prepared a small escape room in our bunker to wake the people up on Thursday and then continued with soft skill training. We ended the day with some free time for our participants to recover and visit the city on their own. We concluded the workshop on Friday with the evaluation of the data we gathered before we lost the signal.