When EESTEC LC Zurich, consistent with the reputation of their university, announced the advanced skills workshop “Beginner’s Rust Excursion: A Speedy Tutorial”, I immediately knew that I wanted to experience it.
The academic program was held by an alumnus of LC Zurich, with a lot of experience in rust programming and very thorough engineering principles. In an unusual approach to programming tutorials, he started by giving a sound introduction to the key principles of the language, which underpinned the motivation for the creation and usage of the language. Those principles also informed the differentiation of rust against other languages we participants might use. Through pointed examples and exercises we understood the real challenge that writing rust programs is, while our mentor spread his love for the rust compiler.
Of course, with LC Zurich you don’t just work hard, you also play hard. Throughout the event, we were presented with fun challenges and experienced Zürich’s beauty while still being competitive during the legendary city rally. We were also introduced to Swiss culture through some of the excellent dishes we were served. The sight of “Äpplermakkaronen” looked so wrong but they tasted so right. The other participants got to know the habitat of LC Zurich’s members during the ETH tour, which I, unfortunately, had to skip. However, I met cool non-EESTEC AMIV members while working at their offices. They told me about the lukewarm welcome one of my universities’ former professors got in the mechanical engineering department… may it be a warning to the remaining ones!
Overall I am incredibly grateful to LC Zurich and my co-participants for this excellent event. We had an amazing time, both while getting smarter during the academic part and also during the (sometimes very literally) colourful free time and nightly activities. I truly have never experienced any public transport system as I did experience Zurich’s this week!
See y’all around Europe!