In the spring semester 2021 we organised the following events:
- 31.03 Volley Tournament
- 08.-09.05. Lucerne: Urban Tour and Student Camping (camping incl. city tour in Luzern, no international participants)
- 09.-16.05. (online) Spring Congress
- 22.06. Soft Skill Training: “Bleib motiviert und produktiv”
- 26.06. WinterTour (city rally incl. BBQ in Winterthur)
- 10.07. Motivational BBQ at Chinawiese
- 23.-25.07. Switzerland’s Amazing Return to Summerevents (SARS) (Weekend at Lake Constance with international participants)
- every 2 weeks on Thursday: Member Meetings. In the beginning, online, last one in person.
Participated in events abroad:
- Workshop on 3D printing (LC Ljubljana, 1 person)
- IMW after the workshop above (LC Ljubljana, 6 people)
Plans for autumn semester 2021:
- 15.10-17.10: Invasion of Kranjska Gora, Slovenia
- 07.11-14.11: Autumn Congress in Zurich, incl. weekend in the mountains
- TBA: Sit Sit, Alumni Chäääs, ski weekend
2021 Spring Semester
The start of the semester was overshadowed by the aftermath of the 2nd coronavirus wave. With club activities prohibited by the BAG, we started our member meetings on Discord, which took place every second Thursday throughout the semester.
As the weather got warmer, we started to meet privately for volleyball more often. Shortly before spring break, when sports events for up to 15 people were allowed again, we organised an internal volleyball tournament. There were 3 new T-shirts to be won, in the familiar red colour but with a new back.

In the second part of the semester, we were gripped by a longing for events. As international travelling was still difficult, but club activities in Switzerland were allowed again, we decided to organise a camping weekend in Lucerne: “Lucerne: Urban Tour and Student Camping”. On Saturday, we started with a challenge-filled city tour through Lucerne, a BBQ by the lake in the evening and a successful dress rehearsal of the new EESTEC boxes from HS20, the “Elisabeth” (honouring Mama Lauda). On Sunday, the leftovers were eaten on the beach with a view of the Pilatus.

The EESTEC Spring Congress took place the following week. Unfortunately also another (and hopefully last) time online. Only the international board was on site in Krakow, Poland. We took part from the comfort of a living room in Affoltern. In addition to the elections of the new board, the headquarters of EESTEC International were also moved to Zurich, Switzerland.

Towards the end of the semester, we were busy taking part in the AMIV events that were finally taking place again and were also able to elect our new Board for 2021/2022 live!
No more lectures did not mean no more EESTEC activities! Already in the 3rd week, we organised a soft skill training on motivation and productivity with our own trainers.
The following weekend we went on a winter tour: 3 different teams spent an afternoon searching for the secret recipe of the long-forgotten druids of Winterthur and got to know the city better in the process. The finder’s reward was a barbecue.
2 weeks later, when the weather got a little better, a BBQ was a great idea and we met at the Chinawiese for the Motivational BBQ, like every summer learning phase. In addition to motivation, there were also challenges for our Fuksis (EESTEC newbie in Finland), who had to prove themselves to be counted as active members.
In the meantime, we were able to do a bit of travelling in Europe again. As there weren’t many other international events, we organised our own: “Switzerland’s Amazing Return to Summerevents (SARS)”. From Friday to Sunday, 37 EESTECers, 19 of whom were from abroad, were at Lake Constance and enjoyed life. This was the first event with internationals in 1.5 years!

Around this time the exams were approaching and the happy EESTEC summer was interrupted.
However, after the exams, we finally got back to travelling! One of our members took part in a workshop on 3D printing in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Afterwards, 4 more LC Zurich people travelled to the south of Slovenia for the following weekend. In addition to these official events, numerous EESTECers from Zurich also met privately with EESTECers from other cities, from Aachen to Athens.
Plans 2021 Autumn Semester
The coming semester will be characterised by the Autumn Congress 2K21! From 7-14 November, around 50 EESTECers from all over Europe will be travelling to Zurich to take part in the EESTEC AGM. Afterwards, we will go to the Flumserberge, with 100 people, including and hopefully with numerous AMIV members!
More information about the congress will be available directly at the AGM! As AMIV generously supports us, we want to organise the event as openly as possible and involve as many commissions, teams and AMIV members as possible. If you would like to get your committee or yourself involved, simply send an e-mail to contact@eestec.ethz.ch!
In addition to Congress, we are also planning our annual invasion of Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, where new faces are always welcome! There will also be a Sit Sit (Finnish student tradition) and an Alumni Chäääs (an event for our alumni, where plenty of cheese is eaten) – in addition to our fortnightly Member Meetings, which always include an after-meeting. Last but not least, we are planning to go skiing in the mountains at the beginning of the new year – if the coronavirus plays ball.

Are you confident and do you like talking to companies at eye level to raise sponsorship money? Or are you creative and keen to contribute your ideas to our planning? Or do you like coming up with unusual ideas for parties? Or are you simply cosmopolitan and would like to give our European guests the best impression of Switzerland after the pandemic?
Of course, you can also visit one of the many events abroad free of charge. You can always find the latest information on eestec.net/events. Why don’t you come to one of our fortnightly meetings and ask your questions to contact@eestec.ethz.ch or directly to us if you see one of us walking around in our bright red T-shirts/hoodies 😉
On behalf of EESTEC LC Zurich,
Benjamin Stadler