Organised Events
- 29.9.2022 Kickoff & Info Event
- 7.10.2022 Tour in Turicum, City Rally in Zurich
- 7.-11.11.2022 Autumn Congress Watch Party at ETH
- 25.-27.11.2022 Dreamy Autumn Days, IMW in Rothenthurm
- 27.1.2023 Alumni Fondue at ETH
- Thursdays every 2 weeks: 7 Member Meetings
- 11 Board Meetings
Events Visited Abroad
- 1.-5.10.2022 SUBOM (SUmmer BOard Meeting) in Patras, Greece
- 14.-16.10.2022 Kranjska Gora, the IMW in Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 1.-5.10.2022 Hacking Morse with Red Pitaya, Workshop + IMW in Ljubljana, Slovenia
IMW stands for International Motivational Weekend
Plans Next Semester Local
- 11.-13.3.2023 ORGanized Annual Skiing Madness, IMW in Klosters
- 14.-21.5.2023 Audio H2023-02-10ardware Workshop + IMW at ETH
- Sommer: Motivational BBQ on the Chinawiese
- Thursdays every 2 weeks: 8 Member Meetings
Plans Next Semester International
- 27.4.-2.5.2023 Spring Congress, the international general assembly, in Munich
- 27.-28.7.2023 Regionalisation Meeting in Delft
- and many more
Events Across Europe
In Patras with Philipp

Philipp gave us a foretaste of what the new semester will bring with his trip to Patras. There, our contact person attended the summer board meeting of the international EESTEC board. He marvelled at the small town of Patras between the mountains and the sea with its Roman ruins, beautiful staircases and dozens of cats. There is also the oldest winery in Greece, which is actually only 150 years old. Of course, LC Zurich is never empty-handed, so several kilograms of Swiss chocolate were imported to Greece. In return, there were the finest Greek specialities as well as a newly discovered addiction to Greek coffee.

But it wasn’t all fun, views and food; at the Summer Board Meeting, Philipp, an LC Zurich member, had a direct influence on the further development of EESTEC at the European level.
Invasion of Kranjska Gora, Slovenia

Now the rest of us were unstoppable. We too wanted to leave again! With a pile of train tickets and mobile bar equipment, we boarded the night train, where we pre-partied for the entire night. The next morning, we poured out of the train in Ljubljana straight to the next Burek place. Of course, we couldn’t miss the view from one of the most beautiful points in Ljubljana: the castle hill. Soon after, LC Ljubljana picked up all the participants in four (!) big coaches and took us to Kranjska Gora, where our 100 kg music boxes really came into their own. So the Goth & Emo party could start. At three in the morning, the question of the right midnight snack arose. But as already mentioned, LC Zurich is never empty-handed. So we had Swiss Raclette.

On the second day, the obligatory excursion to the nearby Lake Jasna was not to be missed. Of course, it’s not very warm in October, but no LC Zurich member lets such details stop them. Splash! Time for the Fruit & Vegetable Party.
Spending two days in Slovenia with almost 200 EESTECers is an incredible experience. Our colleagues from Portugal and Romania, our friends from Delft, the people from Patras, the acquaintances from the German LCs. We all met again.
The writer of the review on our website swung very quickly from “What is Kranjska Gora?” to “When is the next one?”
Dreamy Autumn Days in Rothenthurm, Switzerland

After all the travelling, we didn’t get tired at all. On the contrary, it was time to return the favour! And so participants from all over Europe also enjoyed our Swiss International Motivational Weekend, IMW. Three days in Switzerland, two big parties, and all that with cheese and homemade Rösti. Our international guests should miss nothing. However, Switzerland is not only about partying, we also went on a hike on Saturday afternoon. The peak of our event took us to the peak of Rothenthurm, from where we could enjoy the beautiful Swiss landscape and discuss with our Slovenian friends whose Alps are more beautiful.

Of course, such a weekend with 50 people from all over Europe does not organise itself. Therefore, we would like to thank our organising committee and all the numerous helpers from our EESTEC LC Zurich!
Local Events

Parallel to the big events, our Member Meetings take place every second week on Thursday evenings. Questions are asked and answered there, such as: How can I join? When is the next event in Tampere? How do I register? Which is the southernmost LC? What does EESTEC do on a European level? I want to organise something, too!
Of course always followed by cosy after meetings with Fondue, beer pong, pizza, Rage Cage and stories from far away events.You also want to travel and organise, make new friends, tell stories about your friends in Portugal, stories from Serbia and landscapes from Finland? Come to one of our bi-weekly member meetings (23.2.2023 18:30 in HG E 33.5, see our calendar) or ask us directly if you see someone in our bright red t-shirts or via eestec.ethz.ch.
On behalf of EESTEC LC Zurich
Michael Heider
Chairperson EESTEC LC Zurich