Organised Events
- 11.-13.3. Organized Annual Skiing Madness 23
- 14.-19.5. Another Nerdy Audio Laboratory – workshop about audio hardware in collaboration with Bastli with participants from nine countries
- 19.-21.5. Hike At Our Event, International Motivational Weekend in the Nidwalden mountains
- 1.6. EESTEC booth at AMIV’s SEE (Semester End Event)
- 22.7. SoloThour: city rally through Solothurn
- 29.7. Motivational BBQ
- Thursdays every 2 weeks: 8 Member Meetings with after meeting
- 14 board meetings
Events Visited Abroad
- 27.4.-2.5. Spring Congress – LC Munich – the international GA of EESTEC
- 24.-26.2. Code Breakers Bash – LC Skopje – IMW
- 2.-7.4. Aixtec 4.0 – LC Aachen – workshop about Industry 4.0 and IoT
- 21.-23.4. The Hackover – LC Madrid – IMW
- 12.-14.5. Make Your After-Sessions Sensational – LC Ljubljana in Debeli Rtič – IMW
- 12.-14.5. harmoniouS aTypical nEVerding dElighting Joyful Open Bar Session – LC Milan – IMW
- 14.-19.5. The Fortress Of Arduino – LC Nis – workshop about Arduino
- 19.-21.5. ENGLISH Party In the Colossal Kingdom of Arduino – LC Nis – IMW
- 2.-4.5. Bavarian Bonanza – LC Munich – IMW
- 27.7.-1.8. Greece Me Up – LC Athens in Drepano, Argolis Region – Exchange
IMW stands for International Motivational Weekend
Local Updates
- new website eestec.ethz.ch, now with calendar and event reviews
- recomposed board: Chairperson, Treasurer, Contact Person (CP), HR, PR
- new commission charters and RoP
Plans Next Semester
- 29.9.-1.10. IMW in Elm
- 28.9. Kickoff & Info event
- Early October: Tour in Turricum – city rally through Zurich
- 13.-15.10. Kranjska Gora IMW in Slovenia
- November: Joint IMW with three German EESTEC LCs for recruitment
- November: alumni event
- Thursdays every 2 weeks: 7 Member Meetings with after meeting
- attend various international events
Events Across Europe
Aixtec 4.0 – Workshop in Aachen
This April, Aachen organised their Aixtec 4.0 workshop. With the cooperation of Huawei and their university, the workshop participants were educated on 5G technology, smart power electronics, energy-efficient neural networks and cloud infrastructure used in the Internet of Things to ensure safety and compatibility. The workshop participants also got to travel to Düsseldorf, visit the European headquarters of Huawei and try their authentic Chinese food in their cantine (I highly recommend the seaweed salad).
Bavarian Bonanza – IMW in Munich
In the middle of Bavaria, 10 EESTEC LC Zurich members together with 30 other EESTECers had the time of their lives! Weisswurst, beer and good company – all of this and more on one of the sunniest weekends!
An extract from Saturday night: After amazing homemade pizza for dinner, we dressed up and got ready for the campfire party! There was also a cocktail station where some EESTEC members proudly showed off their cocktail-mixing skills. With some chill music, we escorted the day into the night and started the first party night in the middle of Bavaria. Through dancing, singing, and enjoying each other’s company, we stayed up until early morning and even watched the sunrise with some new friends.
Organised Local Events
Another Nerdy Audio Laboratory – Workshop at ETH
Our annual workshop is our flagship event and hence by far the biggest event we organise. It lasts a full week followed by a weekend in the mountains.
The workshop taught the twelve participants from nine countries the different steps of electronic hardware development in the example of an audio project. It started with circuit simulation and component selection from which the students deduced the schematics and later designed a PCB. In a further step, the PCB was assembled with soldering irons and tested. To conclude the workshop, the hardware was analysed using an oscilloscope to validate the initially simulated circuit. The academic part was held in collaboration with Bastli.
One more precious aspect of our workshops is the amazing opportunity to casually exchange experiences with people from so many different countries. It is not often that you have people from 10 different countries in one spot. It really increases one’s horizon for what else is possible, how other countries solve the same problems, get exposed to issues not present in Switzerland and learn about different cultures.
Organized Annual Skiing Madness 23 – Skiing IMW in Klosters
Like every year, we took EESTEC LC Zurich to the slopes for a weekend and also introduced skiing to participants from all over Europe.
Summarising the review from one of our international participants:
The skiing part was especially memorable for me, and a level of physical activity you don’t get the chance to try at most events. On one of the two days we went skiing, I overestimated my ability to handle the slope relative to my experience and just got stuck sliding down the slope on my butt. Thankfully, the organising committee came to the rescue and taught me how to ski a little better.
The parties and the activities were crazy, we had challenges to complete all throughout the event, and the party mood overall was never missing, whether there was a party going on, a Glühwein gathering outside of the accommodation, or just meeting members from EESTEC LC Zurich who carried an entire speaker down the slope!
I met so many amazing new people and my EESTEC friends again. As we always say to each other: “See you around Europe!”
Internal Updates
Our website eestec.ethz.ch has been redesigned. The reviews of past events are now clearly arranged in one place and there is now a calendar with all local and international events.
Since this semester, EESTEC LC Zurich has had Rules of Procedure (RoP), our internal set of rules, which complements our commission charters. After five years of work, the AMIV General Assembly approved the also revised commission charters at the beginning of the spring semester. The additional structure adds value for the commission.
EESTEC LC Zurich has a board, which extends the elected commission presidency. As of this summer, its positions have been adjusted. It is now composed of Chairperson, Treasurer, Contact Person, HR and PR. With the creation of the HR position, the recruitment work can now be better tackled.
Parallel to the big events, our Member Meetings take place every second week on Thursday evening. The topic there is: How can I join? When is the next event in which city? How do I register? Which is the southernmost LC? What can I organise? Always followed by cosy after meetings with beer pong, stories from far away events and sometimes fondue.
Do you also want to travel and organise, make new friends, tell about your friends in Portugal, stories from Serbia and organisational feats in Zurich? Come to our Kickoff event on 2023-09-28 at 18:30 in HG D 3.2, ask someone in our bright red T-shirts or via eestec.ethz.ch/join.
On behalf of EESTEC LC Zurich
Michael Heider
Chairperson EESTEC LC Zurich