The last semester has been very successful for EESTEC. We were able to welcome a record breaking number of 14 new members in our commission. This even led to some organizational problems since we ran out of chairs at one of our member meetings. After Covid our biweekly meetings averaged about 15 attendees. Since then we managed to double this number now coming down to approximately 30 people per meeting.

Last semester we co-organized an IMW (1) with the EESTEC committees of Aachen and Munich. From Zurich a total of 32 people joined, both EESTECers and normal ETH students.
Besides we once again flooded Slovenia with our swissness and brought 30 people to THE IMW (1) that happened in Kranjska Gora. Some of our members also attended other events all around Europe including the general assembly of EESTEC that happened in Belgrade.
Besides we had our biweekly member meetings and the corresponding aftermeetings along with a few smaller events. The highlight this semester was definitely the board game night. Some people stayed at CAB until midnight trying to colonise Catan in the most efficient ways.
We are already planning some events for the coming semester including our Skiing Weekend ORGanised Annual Skiing Madness in March, a workshop for some international EESTECers about Machine Learning happening in May and last but certainly not least our member meetings (biweekly on Thursday 18:30).
Besides we hope that we are KENough to get the pride of our flag back (if you are interested in more details, ask an EESTECer)
Do you also want to travel, make new friends around Europe and gain some organizational skills? Find our next member meeting on, or ask someone in our bright red T-shirts.
Simon Burri
Chairperson EESTEC LC Zurich
- IMW = Relaxed weekend to meet new people and get a break from studying with amazing theme parties