Kranjska Gora 2024

Greetings, fellow travelers of life and lovers of fine experiences. I am PG, a humble 24-pack of
PrixGarantie Beer, and this is my story of The IMW in Kranjska Gora. Brought by the lively group
from LC Zurich, I embarked on a journey unlike any other, one filled with camaraderie,
breathtaking scenery, and the unique essence of EESTEC that no label can capture.

Kranjska Gora 2023

How do you explain the Kranjska Gora experience in words? I will try my best, but transcribing this feeling into words is like trying to explain music to a deaf person: you have to experience it.

Bavarian Bonanza

There once was an International motivational Weekend in the middle of Bavaria, where 10 EESTEC LC Zurich members together with 30 other EESTECers had the time of their lives! Weisswurst, beer and good company – all of this and more in one of the sunniest weekends of 2023!